Monday, October 4, 2010

What I'm Playing Now..

OK, since I consider myself a diehard gamer, I felt the need to do more than just talk about court cases.   I game on my PlayStation 3 and I love it to death. I received it when it first launched in 2006 when it was $599 + tax. I went through hell and high water but I was still able to open a PS3 on Christmas Day when thousands (if not millions) of others were less fortunate. Well, either less fortunate or they had to settle for a Wii... But anyway, I digress. The main point of this post is to tell you guys, my loyal readers, what I am currently up to in my world of gaming. As a college student, most of my time is being taken up by partying studying and reading, therefore I have not had a lot of time dedicated to playing games as I would like.  I also have a limited college student budget, so I cannot buy as many games as I would like. Therefore, I'm just going to stick with what I have for now.

Recently, I have spent a lot of my time playing Madden 11.  I bought the game at midnight on the day that it was released. I was hella bored, so I decided to drive a half hour to Wal-Mart to buy was sort of an impulse decision. I started a franchise with my beloved Steelers and I fantasy drafted a monster team consisting of Brett Favre, Reggie Bush, Larry Fitzgerald and TO (among others) for an all around offensive powerhouse. My defense is not bad either with Ray Lewis, Brian Cushing and Ike Taylor as some of my picks.

Too bad that I really suck at Madden.

Madden 11 is the first Madden game that I decided to purchase in over three years, so I'm also rusty on top of my general suckage in the sports genre of video games. I tend to get raped very badly when playing with an incredibly skilled player. So that's why I spend a lot of my time in Franchise Mode. Away from human opponents and away from rape-age. Currently, my team is first in the NFL with a 10-2 record. However, I just suffered a debilitating loss to a Peyton Manning led Ravens offense that shredded my defense (specifically my secondary) to pieces.  But that's not going to stop my dreams of a Super Bowl XLV victory. I'm going to finally give Favre his long deserved 2nd Super Bowl ring.

I'll keep you posted on my progress as I continue my path to success.

1 comment:

  1. I also play video games. Though I am on the XBOX gaming system (my uncle works for Microsoft so I have to show favor lol). I wouldn't consider myself a die hard gamer, but I do certainly enjoy it. But I completely understand the sucking part. My XBOX had to stay at my dad's house because I don't have a TV in my dorm. So there have been weeks between my visits and so I was unable to play much, so I am lacking in skill. And much to my dismay I got the 3 Rings of Death... for the fourth time, but it has finally died (I blame my father). As for your, well I wouldn't call it love, but that is the only word I can think of, I am in a similar boat with the Halo series. I have pre-ordered 2 of the games and I even have 3 copies of Halo 3 (by accident). And most recently I bought Halo Reach, but alas I must wait to Christmas to play. However I am going to buy Halo (the first one) for my computer. I will let you know how that goes. (wish me luck-I'm gonna need it)
